Our Foundation helps bring children confidence!

We had the great opportunity to meet with one of our grant recipients…Breakthrough of Silicon Valley.

They are currently having summer classes. Each day begins with a song and then short presentations from all the classes.

I was so impressed by these young children who stood up in front of a crowd of strangers and sang or recited poetry that they had written, or even performed a short skit. They seemed so fearless. So proud of what they could do.

I was very impressed. They said they learned this confidence from Breakthrough.

And then we were given a tour of the classrooms. There were 4-6 students in each class. Now that was impressive and the teachers were all young …some in high school but it was obvious to me they knew what they were doing.

Our tour guide was a nice young 7th grader who said she was so grateful to be involved in Breakthrough. She said each student makes a commitment to go to class from 7 to 4, five days a week and then 2-3 hours of home work every night. Imagine if we each made that kind of commitment in our lives.

Then we heard from the previous years young teachers who are now teachers with classrooms of their own. They have come back to donate more of their time, they want this program to last. It set the stage for the kind of teachers they are today. I am proud that we at the Intero Foundation choose them to be one of our grant recipient. And everyone in the room was grateful to Intero for the grant.

Think about it, these children are our future. We are helping them attain a brighter future.